#73: 3 Strategy Killers for Data Teams

Oct 02, 2024

Most teams have good intentions when it comes to modernizing their architectures.

They spend months (or more) analyzing options.

And tons of money trying to get things just right.

Until it's finally off to the races to implement the new shiny architecture that'll last forever!


We all know this rarely goes perfectly - which is normal.

But at the same time, over the years I've noticed 3 common "Strategy Killers" teams wind up doing to themselves.

These can significantly impact the success of a data project long term despite all of the planning.

Or at the very least, end up with a lot of wasted time and effort.


So in this video, you'll learn about each of them and some tips to avoid them on your own team.

Key Topics We'll Cover:

  1. The impact of too much "Tribal Knowledge"
  2. Why "fixing things" never actually happens
  3. Why new tech/tools aren't usually the answer


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