#047: Getting Started w/ Airbyte (Open Source)

Jul 26, 2023

Airbyte is a data integration tool like Fivetran or Stitch


But completely open source! 

And in today's video I want to show you how you can easily get started using it.


While there are some limitations compared to some of the paid products...

As you'll see, Airbyte is really powerful and will be sufficient for most use cases.


They also have a cloud-hosted option ($$) if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of setting it up yourself.

But I don't want you to pay any money if you don't have to.


Let's see how you can start using this great product for free.

What will you learn? 

  • How to quickly start using Airbyte locally (for free)
  • How to connect to a source (Google Sheet)
  • How to sync data to cloud database (Snowflake)



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